GITA1 Projects

GITA 1 Projects

This page contains all of my projects from the 2020-2021 school year.
You can download them here.
All of these projects were made using C#.

How to Download C#

C# is a free software to download, however you will need an Outlook account.
After downloading, select the Windows desktop development option.

Here is the link to download C#:

Featured GITA 1 Project - Tic-Tac-Toe

January 4, 2021CE

In this program, two people can play a game of tic-tac-toe by clicking on the array of picture boxes.

Final Project

May 27, 2021CE

This program is a game that puts the player into the perspective of a bird evading multiple different predators.

Integer Array

March 18, 2021CE

This program generates a list of 5,000 numbers, and outputs the average, highest, and lowest numbers.


March 8, 2021CE

This program simulates a tank with a shark and multiple fish moving randomly.

Star Field

February 11, 2021CE

This program simulates speeding through a field of stars, by moving labels towards a corner in relation to the quadrant it is in.

Basic AI Game

February 1, 2021CE

In this program, an enemy follows you, and you are able to fire a bullet back at it.


January 15, 2021CE

In this program, numbers are output in different patterns up to the number input in the textbox.


January 4, 2021CE

In this program, two people can play a game of tic-tac-toe by clicking on the array of picture boxes.

Bird 2D

December 14, 2020CE

In this program, the bird can randomly move in any direction with the move or auto button. There is also a hawk that will eat the bird when on the same square.

Bird 1

December 3, 2020CE

In this program, the bird is randomly moved left or right with the move and auto button.

Rock Paper Scissors

November 13, 2020CE

This program is a game of rock paper scissors for two people.

Slot Machine

October 30, 2020CE

This program simulates a casino slot machine.

Shirt Sales

October 22, 2020CE

This program calculates the cost for an order of shirts.

Casino Craps Game

October 9, 2020CE

This program simulates a game of Craps as played in a casino.


October 5, 2020CE

This program simulates the rolling of dice, and outputs the probability each number is rolled.

Test Score

September 28, 2020CE

In this program enter two test scores, and the letter grade, average score, and higher score will be given.

Car Rental Upgrade

September 23, 2020CE

This program calculates the cost of renting a car after you input the car and days you want to rent.


September 21, 2020CE

In this program you input your weight and height, and your BMI is calculated.

Car Rental

September 15, 2020CE

In this program you input data to calculate the price of a car.

Mailing Label

September 8, 2020CE

In this program you input your data, and a personalized mailing label is given.

Help Page

September 1, 2020CE

This program uses buttons to change the information and images displayed.

Goodbye Program

August 28, 2020CE

This program says goodbye in the chosen language, as well as displays the flag of an area the chosen language is spoken.